Materiality and the Visual Arts Archive: Matter and Meaning

23 September 2016
University of Brighton, UK
On the one hand… material is discussed today in the light of an idea that it has been dissolved by the so-called immaterialities of new technologies, while on the other – from the margins – we can observe the consolidation of material as a category of its own. 
(Monika Wagner)

Symposium on materiality in art and design archives at the University of Brighton on 23 September 2016. The symposium is organised by the Committee for Art and Design Archives, part of ARLIS/UK & Ireland (Art Libraries Society).

Within the expanding digital environment that encompasses our professional and personal experience, ideas of materiality have received extensive recent attention, across a range of disciplines, including anthropology, archaeology, art history, literary studies and material culture.  As yet, archival theory and practice have given limited consideration to materiality as an approach to the archive. Conservation practices, while focussing on material qualities of archives, may not attend to more philosophical implications beyond technical research. This symposium seeks to reach across and between these various bodies of knowledge, considering materiality as a framework for analysing, interpreting and engaging with archives of art and design.

Keynote speaker: Professor Maryanne Dever
University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Full details available here
Down the Programme for Materiality and the Visual Arts Archive